Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week One & Planners, Homework, Workshop

Week One & Planners
Our first week was a huge success. I am enjoying getting to know your child. Thank you for having your students so well prepared to return to school. I can tell they have been reading and problem solving.

We will begin filling out our planners this Monday. They will go home every evening and need to be returned every day. Although we will fill out our planners on Monday for the week, things change from time to time and we add it in.

Please check your child's planner every night for any behavior notes. I truly want and believe your child will be on 'green' every day. There are times, however, that we need more than one reminder or situations arise that we should handle differently. Yellows happen and that's okay. If they are on 'yellow' or 'blue' it will be noted in their planner. It is their responsibility to have you sign that you saw the note.

When you receive the planner, check out the inside front cover of their planner. There you will find their passwords for and

A homework folder with your child's homework went home on Friday. Packets will go home on Friday and are due the following Friday.  

We took a pre-test in spelling on Friday as well. You will learn on Monday what list they should study from. If they correctly spelled all 12 words on the pre-test, they should study the challenge words. All students are eligible for above grade level scores on the final test when they spell all of their words correctly (regardless of the list) and correctly complete the dictation sentences. Some of the words in the dictation sentences follow the spelling pattern we have been practicing, but are not words they've been asked to study.  

This week we "played" with some of our new materials in workshop. Workshop in 2nd grade is small group or independent work that supports their learning goals. I snapped a few pictures. We are already pretty awesome at this!

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