Sunday, September 28, 2014

Social Studies: Using Maps & hands-on diagrams

Social Studies
The second grade Social Studies curriculum has changed in the last few years. We now center around the idea of communities. We will explore, investigate, compare, contrast, debate, and learn all about our local, regional, and state-wide communities.

To start, we looked to our families. We recognized role models of good citizenship within our communities. We then created posters and wrote about what makes them good citizens.

Next, we used a map of Michigan to locate and learn about Ypsilanti, Lansing, Detroit, the compass rose, the key, the upper and lower peninsula, and much more. The kids loved this!

At the end of the unit, we created a "living" T-Chart to look at things made by nature in our community and things made by humans. We also compared and contrasted three types of communities: urban, suburban, and rural using hula hoops to create our triple Venn diagram.

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