Saturday, September 13, 2014

Health Unit, Grades & Gradebook App, & Spelling

We had a great 2nd week of school! It has taken us a little bit to get back into school routines and procedures; but we're doing great. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement.

Health Unit
We finished up our Science / Health Unit on Friday by writing and drawing about four ways to stay safe. That booklet was graded and is now in the gradebook. During the week, we took part in the small group project. Each table team had a classroom buddy to create 'gear' for. This was a fun way to share ideas and to show what we learned. Ask your child which classroom buddy they helped to 'outfit' and what they contributed.

Your child's grades will be updated on a weekly basis. Most assessments will be sent home the following week in their Monday Mailer. You can also check your child's scores by logging onto the website at 

You can also download the NHA APP.  If you haven't downloaded the app yet, visit the app store on your phone/electronic device and search for National Heritage Academies. You will see the NHA Schools logo (photo below). It's free and very helpful. Here's what I noticed:
  • it's quick!  It updates as soon as grades are entered.
  • choosing the 'homework' button brings you to the page where you can see how many assignments are entered/missing (keep in mind, homework is not graded, it is recorded as complete, incomplete or missing)
  • effort scores are only published on report cards (You can contact me if you have any concerns about your child's effort.)
  • It keeps up-to-date records of your meal account and shows the school calendar

I have updated with our words for the week. To access the words online, simply visit: Choose the list that your child will be practicing for the week and have them: play a game or take a practice test.

We did not have a chance on Friday to take a pre-test, so we will do that on Monday instead. If students get 100% on the pre-test, they will be encouraged to complete the challenge words. Dictation sentences will be given as well.

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