Saturday, September 20, 2014

Arrr, Talk Like a Pirate Day & NWEA

Talk Like a Pirate Day
Friday was a lot of fun. After our spelling tests, we spent some time creating maps of the school. We used these "treasure maps" later in the day to find our treasure. Ask your child where it was and if their prediction was right.

Second Grade starts fall NWEA testing on Monday, September 29.

  • Monday, September 29th, Reading
  • Tuesday, September 30th, Mathematics
  • Wednesday, October 1st, Language Usage
The NWEA MAP test is given to 2nd-8th graders. It is a very different testing platform than the NWEA MPG that your student took in first grade. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
  • NWEA MPG (given to Y5-1st grade) has sound and is read to the students, NWEA MAP does not have sound. Proctors (Mrs. Mueller & Mrs. Allender) are not allowed to read to students other than providing specific directions/words.
  • The RIT score you were given in the spring at the end of 1st grade is not 1:1 comparable to the RIT or percentile score for the MAP in 2nd grade.
  • 2nd Grade Teachers use Fall 2014 data to help guide instruction and progress toward Spring 2015 goals.
  • NWEA testing is just one of many forms of information we use as teachers to best guide students to meet their academic goals.
  • Please do not be concerned if your child's RIT goes down. This happens from 1st to 2nd grade in most instances. Trust that we will always do what is best for students together. 
  • Ask your students to do their best, and then let them show what they know. The less stress they feel, the better!
Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. 

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