Thursday, October 31, 2013

Recess, Math Tricks, Guest Speakers & Library

I had a chance to snap a few photos of the kids playing on Wednesday.  It was a beautiful day for soccer, swings, playground, tug-a-war, basketball, and more.

Math Tricks
As a fun way to reinforce quick addition, we learned a math "trick" that required addition to 15.  After we mastered the trick, we tried it with Mrs. Wintersteller's 2nd grade class.  The next day, we tried it with our reading buddies.  Ask your child if they have the "math strips" to see if you can figure out the trick.

Guest Speakers
On Thursday, Molly and Kristin from Ypsilanti Public Library came and gave a presentation on Ypsilanti history.  We learned about the naming of the Huron River as well as how ice was used from it for "ice boxes."  In addition, we learned that Ypsilanti once had an underwear factory.  We also learned more about famous people from Ypsilanti such as Rosie the Riveter, Elijah McCoy, and Iggy Pop.  

We ended our busy Thursday of math tricks, guest speakers and 5th grade reading buddies in the library.  After each student turned in their book from last week and checked out a new one, I was immediately taken by the scene below.  Everyone was reading silently and we did this for more than ten minutes.  It reminded me of two things: (1) our class loves books, (2) I am the luckiest teacher ever! 


  1. What precious pictures! Gabriel came home and tried the math trick on all of us. He was so excited!


  2. Oh great! It worked then :) Thanks for sharing.
