Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework, Chester, Wordly Wise and "R" on class work

So I sent home the wrong version of the WW spelling homework.  It has an extra sorting column and last week's crossword puzzle.  The students with this top page know that they do not need to complete the extra column or the crossword.  I am sorry, I copied the wrong page.  On another note, thank you for supporting their efforts in homework.  We are doing wonderful work.

We are so lucky to have Chester, a registered therapy dog, visit us from time to time.  He tends to stop in on Fridays to wish us luck on our spelling tests. We love Chester!

Wordly Wise 3000
We began Wordly Wise on Monday.  This is our vocabulary program.  We will study each set of words for two weeks before we are assessed on them.  This vocabulary program is definitely rigorous.  I'm in the process of adding a vocabulary board in my room to help us learn the new words and add them to our every day language. I've also added the link to the WordlyWise3000 website to the front page of the blog.  The students know that they are in book 3 and can use this website to learn the words.

'R' on papers/assessments
From time to time, your student might come home with classwork or assessments with a 'R' circled or written at the top instead of a score.  The 'R' is my way of noting that the student needed a reteach opportunity. For example, we discussed the compass rose last week in Social Studies.  We did several chants and movement activities to memorize the cardinal directions.  We also looked at maps and shared various mnemonics to remember the four (and then eight) directions most commonly used on a compass rose. Most, if not all, of our students had prior knowledge of the compass rose and all appeared ready to be assessed after the initial lesson or two.  I provided a blank compass rose matching page to assess them independently.  Approximately 85% of our students could complete the assessment perfectly without assistance; the other 15% needed a "reteach."  I placed a R on the top of the pages that needed to be retaught.  Later that week, I met with those students to reteach the concept or have them come up with ways to fix their misunderstandings.  They were then reassessed and an actual score was given.  The new score was noted on the new assessment and stapled on the top of the original assessment.    Rs never go into the gradebook; however, there is a delay in scoring because I need to meet with students and determine a new way to present the material and then reassess.  This keeps students from getting a low score in the gradebook just because they didn't "get it" the way it was taught or assessed the first time. It also allows the class to continue with new content and not sit through stuff that they already know.  

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  

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