Sunday, October 6, 2013

Golden Volleyball Award & Math Vocabulary

Golden Volleyball

Our class won the Golden Volleyball Award!  This award is given by Mr. Bolling to the class who earns the most points in P.E.  To earn points, students have work together to follow directions, show good sportsmanship, line up appropriately (without pushing, with our shirts tucked in, and in a straight, quiet line) and listen to one another when we consider game rules and safe, healthy behaviors. Congratulations.  I am so proud of our students!
Our "being silly" photo purposefully cropped.  Drop into the classroom to see the whole version :)

Math Vocabulary

As a hands-on way to learn and understand our math vocabulary, we draw and write what we know on whiteboards and then share it with a partner or the class.  This instantly clarifies which students need extra support and which topics to cover more quickly or more thoroughly.  I love this paperless way to informally assess and support.  If you have a whiteboard at home, try it.  Our vocabulary in math can be found on  Just search for 2nd grade math vocabulary and it lists the words by topic such as "algebraic thinking," "measurement", "geometry" etc. This week we are covering place value which gets into "numbers and operations."
Defining: number pairs and other terms
Using examples and phrases to share our understanding
Showing what you know in words, tables, organizers and numbers

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