Friday, October 11, 2013

Reading Buddies, Fire Safety, and the Scientific Method

This past week was amazing!  We started off reading Corduroy and invited our reading buddies to join us for two days at school.  On Tuesday, we took our reading buddies to listen to the middle school choir.  They invited us to sing as well.
Wednesday was a busy day.  In the morning each student found a "lost" button on their desk.  They created narratives about their lost button.  Their writing was extremely creative.  I cannot wait to share their stories with you at conferences.  Later that morning,  we took part in a Fire Safety Assembly. The firemen talked with us about safe and smart decisions and we took a close look at the fire truck.  

Also on Wednesday, we took our reading buddies with us when we experimented with button tossing in the stairwell.
On Friday, we used the steps of the scientific method in two different experiments.  Ask your child about the reaction of raisins in soda and what happens when you add soap to milk and food coloring.

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