Saturday, October 24, 2015

Visit from a Judge, Middle School Flag Folders, Asthma Assembly & Skatin' Station II

Middle School Flag Folders
The middle school flag folding team came to visit us and talk about their responsibilities. They brought the school flag in and we compared the size of it to a 2nd grader. We also learned about the rituals of folding the flag and proper ways to treat the flag. This correlates with our Social Studies Unit on Civics.

Asthma Assembly & Judge Owdjiez
On Friday, Amanda, the teen representative of the Down River pageant, came to talk with us about Asthma. She talked about how she manages her asthma and how important it is to be educated about asthma. This is true for all students (students with asthma and students who have people in their lives with asthma.)
We had a wonderful visit from Judge Owdjiez. She talked about her career, her work in the community, and how local government works with the State and National Government. This also supports our understanding of civics.

Skatin' Station II 
We had a lot of fun at Skatin' Station II on Friday. What a neat way to end the week!

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