Sunday, October 4, 2015

Recognizing Great Behavior & Fictional Mayoral Elections

Sheldon's Superheros
Mr. Sheldon recognizes students who exemplify high moral character each week. These superheros are nominated by teachers who are looking for students who follow the social contract and show good character. The superheros get to wear a cape for the day. Our first two Sheldon Superheros are shown below.

Student of the Week
Each week we have a student of the week. These students complete a page for our 'Student of the Week' class book instead of doing homework. They also get to choose their job for the week. The first two were Tyler and Julia. (Photos of them or their book page will be shown next week.)

Fictional Mayor:
Throughout the last two weeks in Social Studies, we have been talking about how to participate in community decisions and how to be an active community member. As a fun way to learn about the civic responsibility of voting, we campaigned for a fictional character as mayor and then voted. They all did a super job with this. Ask your child which campaign they were on and who won the race as Mayor of Mrs. Mueller's 2nd Grade Classroom.

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