Sunday, November 1, 2015

Student of the Week, Visitor for Social Studies, Thank You

Student of the Week
Please congratulate these two students if you see them. They were the last two 'Students of the Week' for the last two weeks in October. Both students show respect each and every day. They are kind classmates who use great manners and consistently listen when others are talking. They also offer help to adults and others.

Visitor for Social Studies
To wrap up our local government unit in Social Studies, we had a visitor from Ypsilanti District Library come in and visit with us. She told us about her career in Library Science. She also told us how we can use the library for free (thanks to our local government funding and tax payers.)

Thank You
Thank you very much to the families who have sent in snack items. We had many families generously donate snacks so that each student can have a healthy snack in the afternoon.  We also had families share snacks on Thursday afternoon as we headed into our long weekend. Your contributions are appreciated.

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