Sunday, February 2, 2014

Perseverance Video, Reading Buddies & Affirmation Cards

Moral Focus Assembly
Several of our students planned to perform on Monday, January 13th. Due to snow days and NWEA schedule changes the assembly was cancelled. Regardless, this group used perseverance and their indoor recess time to practice the following week. They performed for Ms. Josephson's class as well as our class. They did an amazing job.  Here is a video clip.  

5th Grade Reading buddies
We were able to read with our 5th grade reading buddies on Friday. You would be amazed at how much reading is done during this short time.

Affirmation Cards
Last Monday I sent home a list of student names.  Your child is encouraged to write an affirmation to each of their classmates.  This is not a requirement, however, if they choose to write them, they should write one to every student in class.  They are also asked not to buy store-created cards and instead create their own.  If you need paper or supplies, I am happy to share.  Please have your child bring them to school on or before February 13th.  We will spend the last part of the day on February 13th sharing cards and snacks.  There is no school for students on February 14th or February 17th.

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