Friday, January 8, 2016

Small Groups and Students of the Week

Small Groups
We have been spending a lot of time in small groups. Currently, we have four different groupings going throughout the day. We have: (1) our Reading Street Small Group in which we rotate through certain tasks and reading opportunities; (2) our literature circle group where are taking turns leading the group through a chapter book. (3) our math workshop group in which we explore, build, create, and/or investigate math situations; and (4) our social studies inquiry group where we research famous women in history.

Small group situations are incredibly fun, but they are also challenging. Students take turns leading and taking on different roles. This week we watched groups in a 'fish bowl' type setting to help us problem solve independently. (We call it a fish bowl because we observed the group from the outside of their circle. See photo.) We are getting so much better at managing our small groups without help from the teacher.

Student of the Week
The last two students of the week were Sydnie and James. Sydnie was selected for self control. She consistently shows self control in all situations. Whether she's waiting in lines, listening to others, at recess, or at specials, she uses manners and waits her turn. Way to go, Sydnie!

James was selected for self control as well. James loves to learn and have fun; however, he knows that there is a time and place for jokes. He understands that you can be a good friend and follow expectations in school. Well done, James!

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