Saturday, December 19, 2015

Wonderful things at SPS, winter concert, Mrs. Minchin, Superhero, Ms. Stout

Wonderful Things I see Every Day at SPS
There is no doubt that your children are learning academically. I can see it in their scores and in their work as I observe them every day. I hear it in their conversations with one another during small group and book club and I see in on their math boards and morning work. However, your child is also growing so much socially. The way in which they interact and share is changing. I see hands automatically fly in the air when I ask a student if they need to 'phone a friend for help.' I hear students ask, "Do you need help?" when someone is reading through a new or difficult word. It happens all the time, each and every day. I know it's in large part because of your work at home, so I thought I would share just a glimpse of an event that happened at dismissal. A friend helping a friend...wonderful

Winter Concert
Wow! Can we sing, or what?! We did awesome on Tuesday night. Photo below (some of us got cut off due to cropping; sorry).
Mrs. Minchin
Mrs. Minchin, our para-educator, helps out in small groups in the afternoon. The students love working with her on Greek and Latin Roots and on math facts. We shared some love with her on Friday. She also distributed gifts to the students.

Our superhero this week is Amogh. He was selected by Mr. Sheldon for always going above and beyond in taking care of his classmates, the classroom, and the school.

Ms. Stout
Ms. Stout is simply amazing. Not only did she prepare hundreds of students for concerts this week, she also prepared her choir class to sing to us on Friday. So fun and amazing.

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