Sunday, June 12, 2016

Little Caesars Pizza, Our Garden, and the Skating Party

Little Caesars Pizza
Thanks to your donations of boxtops and labels for education, our classroom won a pizza celebration and a dress-down day! This fundraiser helps our school earn cash to spend on much needed supplies.

Our Garden
During our science unit on life cycles, we planted sunflowers in the box garden out behind the playground. We are happy to report that they are growing well.

Skating Party
It was nice to see so many of our 2nd graders at the skating party on Friday. It was lots of fun.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cup-stacking, Dollar & Dimes for Diabetes, Student of the Week, and The Henry Ford

We are learning a lot in PE! This past week we competed in cup-stacking competitions. The kids loved this!

Dollars & Dimes for Diabetes
Our wing (Y5-2) won the Dollars and Dimes for Diabetes competition! Thank you so much for your generous contributions to SPS students who will be able to experience camp this summer because of us! Our class counted a lot of those coins, which was good experience in giving to others, counting money, and using a calculator.

Student of the Week
Ashton was Student of the Week for integrity. Ashton shows that he can be responsible in all situations. He is a great friend and a role model for others. Way to go, Ashton!

Madhav was the Student of the Week for integrity. Madhav is a wonderful scholar. Madhav works hard and enjoys learning and sharing what he knows. He met his NWEA goals and was very focused during the tests so that he could do his best. Well done, Madhav!

The Henry Ford
We had a wonderful time exploring The Henry Ford museum. Some of our favorite stops were, "The Rosa Parks bus," "The trains," "flying airplanes," "building the car from the inside," "the assembly line," "Lincoln's chair." Please share more pictures if you have them...I only snapped a few.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Science Olympiad, Concert, Multicultural Day & Parents as Teachers

Science Olympiad
Many 2nd graders competed in Science Olympiad this year. I am so proud of all they were able to accomplish.

Once again, Ms. Stout did an amazing job preparing our 2nd graders to sing their hearts out. They did a fabulous job!

Multicultural Day
We had a great day on Friday learning about one another. Many students presented and shared their cultural and traditions.

Parents as Teachers
Mrs. Arnold came in to teach us about multiplication properties. The students and I truly enjoyed learning from her.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Talented Kids & Reading Outside

Talented Kids
We represented SPS as a class very well at the Talent Show last Thursday. I am so impressed with these kiddos!

Reading Outside
On Friday we took our books outside. It was nice to get some fresh air and enjoy the spring as we read and wrote about our story of the week.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Science (What's the matter) and Student of the Week

Science (What's the Matter)
We concluded our unit on Matter by making oobleck. We had a lot of fun experimenting with different recipes and discussing the states of matter.

Student of the Week
Amogh was our student of the week. Amogh shows compassion every day. He is a thoughtful student who notices when others are in need - this includes adults. He is quick to lend a hand and to offer understanding when others make mistakes. He is a good teammate and classmate. Way to go, Amogh!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Family Game Night, Math & Science Night, Science Fun with Bubbles, Autism Awareness

Family Game Night 
Monday Night was a lot of fun playing learning games in the gym. Every student who attended won a free game. We now have 3 new games in the classroom for math and logic. Thank you to the Cantrell family for donating 'Rush Hour.'
Math & Science Night
Thursday evening was a lot of fun too. Ann Arbor Hands On Museum came to SPS to share some of their hands-on learning activities. It was a lot of fun!

Science Fun
On Friday we experimented with liquids and created bubbles. We learned that matter can change its state (or phase) by adding or taking away heat.

Student(s) of the Week
Zaria was Student of the Week for showing compassion. Zaria is very thoughtful and observant. She notices when others are feeling sad and does her best to cheer them up or to get a teacher involved. She works had at being a good friend. Way to go, Zaria.

David was Student of the Week this past week. David is a compassionate classmate who understands that his classmates all learn in various ways. He looks for ways to help and is understanding when others need a friend to listen to. We're happy you're in our class, David.

Autism Awareness
On Friday Jonathan Wyman came to visit to talk with us about how autism has impacted his family. He also shared lots of information about autism.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jiffy Mix Field Trip

Jiffy Mix Field Trip
We had a great time on Friday. First we had a picnic and play time at the park. Then we headed to Jiffy Mix. What a perfect day for it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Our Government Project, Learning Google Slideshow and Sheets, & Student of the Week

Our Government Project
Our Social Studies Unit on communities, government, businesses and services culminated in a bulletin board. Ask your child which agency or place they created.

Learning Google Slideshow and Sheets
As an extension to our animal research, we've learned to create slideshows in Google sheets. In addition, we used primary source data to create a spreadsheet and graph to insert into our slideshow. Ask your child to log onto launchpad through our homepage to show you their work!
collecting our data to use in our slideshow and sheet

sample chart (ask your child how to do this...they know how!)

Student of the Week
Ali was our student of the week. Ali has been working hard at encouraging others. She turns her work in on time and also can be found doing extra writing during indoor recess or free choice time after lunch. Her dedication inspires those around her. Way to go, Ali!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Student of the Week, March is Reading Month & Conferences

Student of the Week
Bikram was our Student of the Week for encouragement. He participates in discussions and consistently listens to others. Often he will add to a classmate's comments with "I agree with _____..." He tries is best and encourages others to do the same.

March is Reading Month
As part of March is Reading Month, we had a guest reader visit. The students were very engaged and loved listening to the story.

Thank you very much for attending your child's conference. It was such a pleasure to visit with you about all of the great things they are doing and to discuss opportunities to grow before they head to 3rd grade. Thank you for your time and support.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Readers are Leaders Day, Superhero & Student of the Week

Readers are Leaders
We have some amazing young leaders. I enjoy learning with them each day.

Superhero & Student of the Week

Ansh is our Student of the Week. Ansh is a courageous 2nd Grader. He works hard to always do his best. He is honest and hard-working. Way to go, Ansh.

Pranavi is our superhero. She has grown so much as a leader in our classroom. She problem solves and works independently and is also willing to help others. Well done, Pranavi!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spirit Week Monday & Tuesday & March is Reading Month Flash Mob

Spirit Week
Here are some photos of our first two days of Spirit Week. The students are enjoying the themed days. 
Twin Day

Crazy Hair Day

March is Reading Month Flash Mob
Ask your student about our 'flash mob' to kick off March is Reading Month. It's a great month to read!