Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Our Government Project, Learning Google Slideshow and Sheets, & Student of the Week

Our Government Project
Our Social Studies Unit on communities, government, businesses and services culminated in a bulletin board. Ask your child which agency or place they created.

Learning Google Slideshow and Sheets
As an extension to our animal research, we've learned to create slideshows in Google sheets. In addition, we used primary source data to create a spreadsheet and graph to insert into our slideshow. Ask your child to log onto launchpad through our homepage to show you their work!
collecting our data to use in our slideshow and sheet

sample chart (ask your child how to do this...they know how!)

Student of the Week
Ali was our student of the week. Ali has been working hard at encouraging others. She turns her work in on time and also can be found doing extra writing during indoor recess or free choice time after lunch. Her dedication inspires those around her. Way to go, Ali!

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