Sunday, May 29, 2016

Cup-stacking, Dollar & Dimes for Diabetes, Student of the Week, and The Henry Ford

We are learning a lot in PE! This past week we competed in cup-stacking competitions. The kids loved this!

Dollars & Dimes for Diabetes
Our wing (Y5-2) won the Dollars and Dimes for Diabetes competition! Thank you so much for your generous contributions to SPS students who will be able to experience camp this summer because of us! Our class counted a lot of those coins, which was good experience in giving to others, counting money, and using a calculator.

Student of the Week
Ashton was Student of the Week for integrity. Ashton shows that he can be responsible in all situations. He is a great friend and a role model for others. Way to go, Ashton!

Madhav was the Student of the Week for integrity. Madhav is a wonderful scholar. Madhav works hard and enjoys learning and sharing what he knows. He met his NWEA goals and was very focused during the tests so that he could do his best. Well done, Madhav!

The Henry Ford
We had a wonderful time exploring The Henry Ford museum. Some of our favorite stops were, "The Rosa Parks bus," "The trains," "flying airplanes," "building the car from the inside," "the assembly line," "Lincoln's chair." Please share more pictures if you have them...I only snapped a few.

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