Friday, March 13, 2015

Pi Day, Simple Machines & Leprechauns

Pi Day
We celebrated 'Pi Day' early. Mrs. Payter and her 4th Graders came and taught us how to find circumference of a circle based on the Pi x diameter formula. The students had a good time working with the 4th graders. Ask them why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th.

Simple Machines & Leprechauns
As a fun way to learn about simple machines, we are co-creating leprechaun traps this week. If you have shoe boxes or other supplies, feel free to send them in. They will likely not return to you in the same shape, however. You can search leprechaun traps online to get some ideas.

1 comment:

  1. When our 4th grade friends here at South Pointe came to our class we learned about pi day! I thaught it was very fun.But the best part was that we got to learn about a holiday.That was the best.
