Monday, March 23, 2015

Leprechaun Traps

Leprechaun Traps
We created leprechaun traps using simple machines. I wish I had pictures of their final products; but here are photos of the process.

Friday, March 13, 2015

My Week as Student of the Week by Zain

My week as student of the week was fantastic because I could pick tables, pick a job, and give indoor recess games. It was the best being student of the week because I can decorate my poster. I also like my life as student of the week. I also get to hang my poster.

Pi Day, Simple Machines & Leprechauns

Pi Day
We celebrated 'Pi Day' early. Mrs. Payter and her 4th Graders came and taught us how to find circumference of a circle based on the Pi x diameter formula. The students had a good time working with the 4th graders. Ask them why Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th.

Simple Machines & Leprechauns
As a fun way to learn about simple machines, we are co-creating leprechaun traps this week. If you have shoe boxes or other supplies, feel free to send them in. They will likely not return to you in the same shape, however. You can search leprechaun traps online to get some ideas.

My Week As Student of the Week by Kayla

My week as student of the week was great. I got to pick sticks. That means that when I picked the sticks, I saw the names of people who get to read or answer questions. I got to help the teacher a lot. On Wednesday I get to help out in the library and check out books. I didn't have to do homework, instead I worked on my poster.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Week As Student of The Week by Ny'Ana

My Week as Student of the Week was the best!I had so much fun. I was teacher assistant too! It was so much work but it was fun. I had fun.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Community Member

On Tuesday of last week, Officer Dergis (aka Shelby's mom) came to visit us as part of our career unit in Social Studies. I didn't get her picture in the previous post. The students from all three 2nd grade classrooms were very excited to learn from her. In addition to teaching us about her job, she gave us safety tips as well. Thanks Officer Dergis!

Guest Speakers, Our Town, & What I See Every Day

Guest Speakers
We have been so fortunate to have some amazing guest speakers. This past week we had a visit from a Superior Township Police Officer, a Ypsilanti District Library Librarian, and an Eastern Michigan University Instructor. Your students were very engaged as they learned about Ypsilanti's history, rules, laws, safety measures and college papers. They also learned what it takes in terms of college education, and training to be each one of these professionals one day. Please take some time to ask your child about the visitors. Please note: Even though our unit on community careers is ending, you can always come in and talk about what it is you do each and every day. I promise, no career is too intense or uninteresting to 2nd graders!

Our Town
Our town was completed this week. Your child researched a career then made a business or home for that career/business. It turned out really well.

What I See Every Day
As we were packing up on Friday, I noticed a friend tying another child's shoe. I paused and quickly grabbed my camera. Although our days are very BUSY I do pause now and again for "the good stuff." I feel fortunate to see this type of kindness each and every day from our amazing children. Whether it is a quick smile to one another, a shared pencil, a helping hand opening lunch containers, volunteers to help kindergarten lunch, or carrying another backpack, I see it. This happens not because the child might get a scholar dollar, it happens because you have supported this type of kindness at home and in our community. Thank you for sharing them with me. I cannot wait to share their classroom success at conferences next week.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Basket Raffle, Community Careers, and Spirit Week!

Basket Raffle 
Thank you for the amazing donations of basket raffle items. We have one of the most participatory families in the building. I am sincerely overwhelmed with your generosity and participation!

Community Careers
As part of our look at Ypsilanti History and How Communities Work, we had a visitor tell us about becoming a dental hygienist. The students learned a lot and look forward to more visitors.

Spirit Week
Spirit Week was a lot of fun. Monday was Pajama Day. Tuesday was Crazy Hair Day. Wednesday was Twin Day. Thursday was Hat Day. Friday was Panther Pride Day. Check out the photos below!