Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Last Week of 2014: Concert, Last Day Fun

Music Concert
The kids did fantastic during the music concert. I was so proud that their hard work paid off. They sounded and looked amazing! Well done, 2nd Grade!

Last Day Fun
The Middle School Choir sang to us in the morning. It was neat to have carolers right outside our classroom doors! 

Later that day, we put on antlers, opened gifts from one another, and ate goodies. I am overwhelmed by the generous gifts and donations of snacks and goodies for the classroom, for me, and for the kids. It is no wonder that we have the amazing set of students that we do - they have super families that model generosity and thoughtfulness. Thank you!


  1. I really enjoyed our concert. My favorite song was our Lilo and Stich song. I liked that it was in a different language and that it was a challenge for a lot of us. At first, it was a challenge for me, but then I got the hang of it by getting the speed and rhythm.

    1. I love that song too! You all sounded amazing. Thanks for the recap and the memory.

  2. I also enjoyed wearing reindeer antlers to music. We got to wear them for about half of the day (or less).

    1. This was a good day! This is one of my favorite pictures of our class :)
