Saturday, December 13, 2014

Skyping New York Penpals & Assembly on Rule of Law

Skyping New York Penpals
Last Tuesday we got to see our penpals face-to-face using Skype. The students really enjoyed talking with their penpals and getting to see them. We should be receiving a new batch of letters soon.

Assembly on Rule of Law
We use our time on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to talk about the moral focus topic, our social contract, and the core democratic value. About once a month our class gets the opportunity to present during assembly. On Friday, we presented on our Core Democratic virtue of Rule of Law. To prepare, we went on a hunt for our classroom, hallway, office, recess, and bathroom rules. We talked and wrote about the rules. We also discussed which rules were most important and why. The students did a fabulous job during assembly. I also think they have a better understanding of expectations. Way to go 2nd graders!

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