Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Last Week of 2014: Concert, Last Day Fun

Music Concert
The kids did fantastic during the music concert. I was so proud that their hard work paid off. They sounded and looked amazing! Well done, 2nd Grade!

Last Day Fun
The Middle School Choir sang to us in the morning. It was neat to have carolers right outside our classroom doors! 

Later that day, we put on antlers, opened gifts from one another, and ate goodies. I am overwhelmed by the generous gifts and donations of snacks and goodies for the classroom, for me, and for the kids. It is no wonder that we have the amazing set of students that we do - they have super families that model generosity and thoughtfulness. Thank you!

My Week As Student of the Week

My Week As Student of the Week
I liked my week as Student of the Week because it was fun. I liked picking sticks for who gets to answer questions. I liked being teacher assistant. I was glad I didn't have to do homework. The Sunday after I was in a piano recital. The day before my friend came over to my house. She got to watch us do gymnastics.

My Week as Student of the Week

My Week as Student of the Week by Ireoluwa
My week as student of the week was fun. I got to pick my job. I picked teacher assistant. I got to pick people to do stuff.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Skyping New York Penpals & Assembly on Rule of Law

Skyping New York Penpals
Last Tuesday we got to see our penpals face-to-face using Skype. The students really enjoyed talking with their penpals and getting to see them. We should be receiving a new batch of letters soon.

Assembly on Rule of Law
We use our time on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to talk about the moral focus topic, our social contract, and the core democratic value. About once a month our class gets the opportunity to present during assembly. On Friday, we presented on our Core Democratic virtue of Rule of Law. To prepare, we went on a hunt for our classroom, hallway, office, recess, and bathroom rules. We talked and wrote about the rules. We also discussed which rules were most important and why. The students did a fabulous job during assembly. I also think they have a better understanding of expectations. Way to go 2nd graders!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tradition Presentations, More Science & Reading Unit Test

Holiday Tradition Presentations
Wow! I am impressed with the work our students did over the Thanksgiving Break. I learned so much and I know the students did too. We have a wonderfully diverse group. We learned about a variety of traditions such as: Attending Religious Events, Making cookies, Making ornaments, and Decorating. In addition we learned about celebrating various holidays such as: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Diwali, Birthdays, Chinese New Year (and Zodiac), Guru Govind Singh Jayanti, Raksha Bandhan, Eid, and Simbang Gabi.  In some cases we learned about the right not to celebrate! Some of our larger posters are showcased in our library. Come check them out!

More Science
I know I've been sharing a ton of photos about our force and motion unit. This unit has come to an end, but here again are some photos. Look for your student's investigation pages in their Monday Mailer. We did more than just 'play.'

Reading Unit Test
We took our Unit 2 reading test on Friday. We did really well overall. It is a long test that includes three writing prompts. Scores will hit the gradebook this coming week.