Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest, Winter Blast & Box tops

Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest
Congratulations to Adharshini Ananth, Makayla Johnson, and Saahil Shah!  Their work was submitted to the NHA Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest Committee to be reviewed for possible publication in next year's Moral Focus anthology.  Many of our students entered either art work or writing pieces.  I had a chance to see the work before it was submitted.  I am proud to say that we have an amazing class filled with talented authors and illustrators.  Let's wish these three the best as final decisions are being made.  

Winter Blast
Please join us on Saturday, January 25th any time between 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. for our first indoor winter carnival.  It is only $1.00 to attend and students will walk away with prizes!  You can also pay $2.00 to throw a pie at a staff member.  Please be sure to drop by the snack walk - that's where I'll be most of the afternoon.  It will be tons of fun and a great break from the cold!  (No, I'm not part of the pie-throwing contest, but I do know that our dean, principal, and some 1st & 3rd grade teachers who are :)  The money raised goes to a great cause ~ our students!

Box Tops
We are excited to be partnering with 5th Grade for the Box Top drive.  We have had a few students who have collected and turned in box tops already.  If you have any at all, please drop them in a ziplock, envelope, or even your child's hand and send them in.   Be sure to look inside soda cases and under kleenex boxes for box tops too!  They are everywhere.  LEAVE NO CEREAL OR SNACK BOX UNTURNED! 

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