Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Blast, New NHA App. & NWEA data

Winter Blast
The first annual SPS Winter Blast was so much fun!  Thank you to everyone who came out to help and participate.  I was able to snap a few photos and lucky enough to see many of you.  If you were there and you want to share photos, please email them to me. 

Have you checked out the new NHA AP?  It's pretty amazing.  So here is what I noticed:

  • it's quick!  It updates as soon as grades are entered.
  • choosing the 'homework' button brings you to the page where you can see how many assignments are entered/missing (even though homework is not graded)
  • effort scores are only published on report cards (You can contact me if you have any concerns about your child's effort.)
  • if you're not hooked up yet, check it out: https://www.facebook.com/NHASchools
We have successfully finished the winter round of the the NWEA MAP tests.  The data we receive from the NWEA MAP testing is one of several measures we use to help support your child's academic success.  Now that we have tested in all three areas, I will meet with each student to talk about their new action plan.  Once I have met with all of them, I will send home their scores and their new plan.  It will take some time to do this.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest, Winter Blast & Box tops

Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest
Congratulations to Adharshini Ananth, Makayla Johnson, and Saahil Shah!  Their work was submitted to the NHA Moral Focus Writing and Art Contest Committee to be reviewed for possible publication in next year's Moral Focus anthology.  Many of our students entered either art work or writing pieces.  I had a chance to see the work before it was submitted.  I am proud to say that we have an amazing class filled with talented authors and illustrators.  Let's wish these three the best as final decisions are being made.  

Winter Blast
Please join us on Saturday, January 25th any time between 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. for our first indoor winter carnival.  It is only $1.00 to attend and students will walk away with prizes!  You can also pay $2.00 to throw a pie at a staff member.  Please be sure to drop by the snack walk - that's where I'll be most of the afternoon.  It will be tons of fun and a great break from the cold!  (No, I'm not part of the pie-throwing contest, but I do know that our dean, principal, and some 1st & 3rd grade teachers who are :)  The money raised goes to a great cause ~ our students!

Box Tops
We are excited to be partnering with 5th Grade for the Box Top drive.  We have had a few students who have collected and turned in box tops already.  If you have any at all, please drop them in a ziplock, envelope, or even your child's hand and send them in.   Be sure to look inside soda cases and under kleenex boxes for box tops too!  They are everywhere.  LEAVE NO CEREAL OR SNACK BOX UNTURNED! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

80s Day Pictures, Challenge Homework, & Animal Research

80th Day of School
We had a lot of fun on January 13th celebrating 80s Day.  Check out our style!

Challenge Homework
Your child was asked to change the date of the homework packet from January 10th to January 17th.  The spelling homework, math and ELA packet that goes home on a regular basis is not due until the 17th.  However, I have had many children turn in their homework early.  So I offered everyone an opportunity to complete a 8-page math challenge homework packet.  It is optional.  If your child decided to take the challenge, it is due on the 17th.

Animal Research
Our animal research is going really well.  Students are learning a ton about their animal using non-fiction books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and http://www.britannica.com/.  We will continue to work on these research projects all month.  The work will be done in school, however, if you have opportunities to gather information for your student, please do so.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

80s day, Recess Fun and New NWEA Schedule

80s Day
Monday, January 13th is 80s Day at South Pointe Scholars.  Students are welcome to wear 1980s style clothing.  Think: leg warmers, layered clothing, multi-colored socks and t-shirts, jeans with cool cuffs, denim jackets and big hair.  Students who do not want to participate must wear their uniform.

The students had a great time at recess on Friday.  Thank you to the families who sent warm coats, boots, hats, gloves, and snowpants!  The students really do learn better in the afternoon when they are able to get out into the fresh air and play.  Thank you to our recess aids, volunteers, parent visitors, and Mrs. Kouba for making outdoor recess possible!

NWEA Schedule
Our schedule for testing has changed.  We will now test on the following dates and times:
  • Tuesday, January 21st Reading @9:45 a.m.
  • Wednesday, January 22nd Math @ 9:45 a.m.
  • Thursday, January 23rd Language Usage @ 9:45 a.m.
Please ask your child about their action plan.  We are working really hard in the classroom on individualizing their learning and their goals.  One way you can support this from home is using their action plan to focus their learning beyond homework.  If you are unsure at all about how to help them reach their goals and use their plan, please email me.  I have lots of ideas.