Monday, December 2, 2013

Thank You, Ice Cream & Affirmations

Thank you very much for attending Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Our class had 100% participation!  It was nice talking with you about your child's progress.  I sincerely appreciate your feedback and your open, honest communication.  I take your ideas about how to support your child's effort to reach their academic and social goals seriously.  If you ever have questions or concerns please let me know.  

Thank you also for working over the break on the properties of matter homework.  We were lucky enough to sample some today thanks to Cameron Kouba!  Students do not have to make the ice cream, however.  We will vote on the advertisements and make the winning recipe together in class.  

As we return to a five-day week schedule, we will spend some time reviewing procedures such as lining up and transitioning from subject to subject.  While a reminder is sometimes needed, our class does a wonderful job with this, in fact, we received the note below from Mrs. Kouba last week. 

The note reads:
Mrs. Mueller,
Your class did an amazing job coming
in from recess and in the lunch line!
Mrs. Kouba

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