Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Winter Break and 2014

Winter Concert / Winter Break
I hope everyone is having a nice break.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone in 2014!  We received a few more photos of our winter concert.  Thank you, Allie (Abby's mom).

IXL.com and Studyisland.com
I can tell we are using IXL.com and studyisland.com  I cannot wait to celebrate our success when we return.  Keep up the good work.

Homework over break
I have added pdfs to our 'forms' page on the right for The Chocolate Touch homework and the dollar words homework in case they went missing over break.  Feel free to download and use paper to answer them if you happen to be missing the packet. Chapters 3 & 4 are due January 6th (I will accept them on the 7th for full credit, however.)

When we return, we will be working on telling time in math, researching an animal (non-fiction) in writing, and identifying non-fiction text features in reading.  In language arts we will review subject-verb agreement and in social studies, we will begin a unit on economics.

Please check out the Upcoming Events on the right for dates for 80s day, 100th day, popcorn Tuesday, etc.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Concert, CERs, Winter Break

Winter Concert
We seriously rocked our winter concert.  It was a lot of fun.  Thank you for attending!  Thanks, LaToya (Maddison's mom), for sharing pictures.

Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
We recently began using part of a process called DEICER to help us strengthen our foundational understanding of core concepts.  DEICER is an acronym for a process that is meant to help students consider and question concepts more thoroughly.  To begin, we have taken the last three steps (Claim/Evidence/Reasoning) to better understand essential questions and concepts in our learning.  We use CERs in math, writing, and science, but the terminology often comes up in all of our subjects.  For example, I typically give a headline story to begin math.  Students read the story, generate a question and then make a claim, provide evidence to support the claim, and apply reasoning.  Ask your students about it; they are getting pretty good!

Winter Break
Thank you so much for the gifts and well wishes for a relaxing break.  I was overwhelmed with your generosity.  I am seriously the luckiest teacher ever.

I hope you all have a great break as well.  The following note was sent via email regarding the winter break holiday.

Hi 2nd grade families!  Students were given a note about their homework over break today.  
Many of them chose to bring their copy of The Chocolate Touch home today as well.  I will make sure the rest of them have it tomorrow so that they have what they need tomorrow before they leave for break. 
The half-sheet note (that was stapled on top) explains the tasks that are being sent by all 3rd grade teachers.  Tasks 1 and Tasks 2 are not required.  They are just suggestions so that your student is prepared in January when we start our in-class animal research and we start telling time and discussing elapsed time. Students can choose any animal to research.  The animal project will last all of January. 
The requirements for break are: 1. read chapter 3 & 4 of The Chocolate Touch , 2. complete the pages for chapter 3 & 4 of the packet, 3. try some dollar words, 4. log onto ixl.com / studyisland.com as much as possible. 
Hint: the word 'discipline' is exactly $1.00 in the dollar word challenge. 
Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks! 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Indoor Recess, Novel Study, Math, and Science

Indoor Recess
It was incredibly cold during the first part of last week.  To keep ourselves busy, engaged and entertained during recess, we participate in games such as: marble run, ball toss, dress up, computer games, origami, Apples to Apples, free art and more.  Indoor recess is not ideal, but students enjoy the chance to create and have some fun.  Please have your child bring boots, hats, gloves, and snow-pants every day.  The snow-pants can stay in the classroom through the week, but you will likely want them for weekends and breaks.

Novel Study
We recently began reading The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling.  The students have enjoyed reading the first chapter with their workshop partner.  They will be assigned two chapters over the winter break.  Please do not worry; it is something they enjoy reading.

We have enjoyed the beginning of our math unit on charts and graphs.  The 3D graphs were fun to create as we used our own information to answer questions.  This unit is interactive and fun yet challenging.  We will continue our study of other graphs and charts (line, pie, and planes) this week.

We ended our States of Matter Unit this week by making pancakes to show the difference between mixtures and solutions.  The materials in our science kit helped us determine how to sort liquids by viscosity, transparency, and color.  Ask your child about the new vocabulary (viscosity is particularly difficult) as well as the difference between a mixture and a solution. Also, ask them about changing states of matter by adding or withholding heat, pressure and time. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What's the Matter?

Last week was a treat. Not only did we get to test two more ice cream recipes, we also had a neat opportunity to do an impromptu reader's theater on the states of matter. The students are really engaged in this science unit. Shruti Balla brought in a book and taught us about the fourth state of matter ~ plasma.  In addition, other students like Vedant, Cameron, Kriti, and Nandini are finding non-fiction texts that support these concepts to share with the class. It is like 'matter is everywhere!' Way to go 2nd grade!

Thank you Dominick and Akalbir for sharing your ice cream dishes. They both are worthy of mass production!

Thank you also to Mrs. Rolls who created an amazing reader's theater script for us to follow a water molecule from the artic to the tropic. This kinesthetic and fun activity helped us 'solidify' our understanding of the states of matter.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thank You, Ice Cream & Affirmations

Thank you very much for attending Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Our class had 100% participation!  It was nice talking with you about your child's progress.  I sincerely appreciate your feedback and your open, honest communication.  I take your ideas about how to support your child's effort to reach their academic and social goals seriously.  If you ever have questions or concerns please let me know.  

Thank you also for working over the break on the properties of matter homework.  We were lucky enough to sample some today thanks to Cameron Kouba!  Students do not have to make the ice cream, however.  We will vote on the advertisements and make the winning recipe together in class.  

As we return to a five-day week schedule, we will spend some time reviewing procedures such as lining up and transitioning from subject to subject.  While a reminder is sometimes needed, our class does a wonderful job with this, in fact, we received the note below from Mrs. Kouba last week. 

The note reads:
Mrs. Mueller,
Your class did an amazing job coming
in from recess and in the lunch line!
Mrs. Kouba