Saturday, February 27, 2016

Middle School Legends and Students of the Week

Students of the Week
Xavier was chosen as Student of the Week for Courage. Xavier takes risks with his writing and his math. He is always willing to write more and choose clever and unique ways to respond. He is not afraid to ask questions or to share his strategies. In February especially, he's went out of his way to offer to help his classmates and the teacher. Way to go Xavier!

Alivia was chosen as Student of the Week for Courage as well. Alivia is always up for any challenge. She may start a response with a shrug, smile and an "I don't know," but she consistently ends up solving the issue independently and with a thoughtful solution. She is also not afraid to stick up for others and help them stay on task without 'tattling.' We're very proud of you Alivia!

Middle School Students of the Week
We had a visit from Mrs. Anderson's class on Tuesday. The middle schoolers wrote tall tales about how South Pointe Scholars came to be. Our class loved listening to the tall tales and spending time with the 6th and 7th graders.

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