Sunday, November 29, 2015

Student of the Week (photo finally available)

Student of the Week
Shane was chosen as Student of the Week for showing gratitude. He works hard take care of others and take care of materials. Way to go Shane!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Raz-kids, Student of the Week, End of the Trimester, Parent-Teacher Conferences

Your child is now assigned a Raz-kids account. This online 'classroom' gives them access to free books. Your child came home on Friday with their login information. The login is their first initial, last name (altogether); their password is their first name. You can visit it by going to: I can check and assign readings; this is a great opportunity to read both fiction and nonfiction books!

Student of the Week
The last two students of the week for gratitude were Shane (photo coming soon) and Liam. These two individuals show gratitude for their classmates, classroom, and school. I am extremely proud of all they do to make our classroom a great place to be.

End of the Trimester & Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thank you to the very generous contributions from our 2nd Grade Families. We had a nice celebration at the end of the day Tuesday. It was nice to see so many parents there.  We had so many cookies, we shared with the 4th graders in Ms. Payter's class!

Thank you also for attending our parent-teacher conferences. It was nice to spend time talking about your child's progress and work together on plans to help them with their continued success.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

50s Day, Student of the Week, Mr. Sheldon's Superhero, Assembly on Diversity

50s Day
We had a great time celebrating our 50th day of school. We did the limbo, listened to some 50s Day music, watched a few cartoons from the 1950s and enjoyed rootbeer floats.

Student of the Week
Our Student of the week does a great job showing gratitude by treating others with kindness. He also shows gratitude by taking care of materials, our building, and our classroom.

Mr. Sheldon's Superhero
Our Superhero of the week demonstrates kindness and compassion as well as gratitude. This past week he went out of his way to help a friend in need.

Assembly on Diversity
We worked together to create a video for diversity. We talked about how we are all individually great, but when we come together and work together, we create something wonderful. We hope you like it.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Student Leaders, Red Wings Assembly, & Middle School Stories

Student Leaders
Your child gets a chance to be a leader quite often. We have math leaders, table captains, teacher assistants, and classroom jobs that allow them to lead and help one another on a regular basis. Ask your child about it.

Red Wings Assembly
We had a lot of fun at the Red Wing Assembly. Your child will be coming home with more information about how to get involved, stay active, and eat healthy.

Middle School Stories
Middle Schoolers from Mrs. Anderson's Literature Class came and read their stories to our class on Friday. We had fun listening to their stories and hearing about their writing process.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Student of the Week, Visitor for Social Studies, Thank You

Student of the Week
Please congratulate these two students if you see them. They were the last two 'Students of the Week' for the last two weeks in October. Both students show respect each and every day. They are kind classmates who use great manners and consistently listen when others are talking. They also offer help to adults and others.

Visitor for Social Studies
To wrap up our local government unit in Social Studies, we had a visitor from Ypsilanti District Library come in and visit with us. She told us about her career in Library Science. She also told us how we can use the library for free (thanks to our local government funding and tax payers.)

Thank You
Thank you very much to the families who have sent in snack items. We had many families generously donate snacks so that each student can have a healthy snack in the afternoon.  We also had families share snacks on Thursday afternoon as we headed into our long weekend. Your contributions are appreciated.