Sunday, February 1, 2015

Geometry, NWEA & Transportation

Students are enjoying the geometry unit in math. We made paper 3D shapes on Monday and Tuesday. On Friday we created 3D models of cubes, prisms and pyramids. It was a lot of fun. You can do this at home with playdough (ours was homemade) and toothpicks. Ask your students how many sides (invisible), edges (toothpicks) and vertices (playdough).

As a class we did extremely well on our NWEA tests.  I am proud of their effort and how parents handled the extra homework. Thank you for your support. 

Students enjoyed the Social Studies Unit on Transportation / moving ideas and people throughout history. They created cars this week. They also learned about Henry Ford (assembly line), The Wright Brothers (Flight), Robert Fulton (steam engine improvements) and the locomotive.

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