Friday, February 20, 2015

Cursive Writing & Spelling City & Other Online Resources

Cursive Writing
One of our writing objectives is to write legibly. This can be in print or cursive. Reading Street has just introduced cursive writing. Most of us have background information on this and are eager to try. Students are not required to write in cursive for tests; however, we will be practicing it weekly until the end of the year.

Spelling City & Other Online Resources
On 'cold' or 'snow' days, it is a great idea to visit online resources. Spelling City is a fun way to practice spelling words. In addition, you can visit Use the common core versions. It is also a great idea to go into the science and social studies tests and lessons.  is also available.  If you do not have access to the Internet, please be sure to read and practice math facts.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Friendship Celebration

Friendship Celebration
On Thursday we celebrated friendship. We distributed our cards and ate lots of yummy treats. Thank you to everyone who was able to donate. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Scientific Method & Buoyancy

Scientific Method & Buoyancy
We began our next science unit by reviewing the steps of the Scientific Method. To do this, we tested buoyancy using: styrofoam, aluminum foil, chalk, sponge, metal weight, paper clip, and plastic.

My week as Student of the Week by Kenna

My week as student of the week was fantastic because I didn't have to do any homework. I got treasure pick. I didn't have to do my homework! I actully already did my homework over the weekend!  I filled out a poster called "All About Me". I enjoyed my week as student of the week. You would love to be in my class because we have fun, work, and have 15 minute recess. We are the first class outside. My teacher is wonderful. Actually, all the teachers are great! I enjoy being student of the week. I love my friends and teachers just as much much. We are a great school. I love my class, grade, and teachers! We are a phenomenal grade, class, and school. We enjoy our days every day, all day! I wish you had as great as a chance as me. We do math, "5 times 5 plus 2 equals 27."

My Week as Student of the Week by Aaron

My Week as Student of the Week
I was happy to be student of the week. I got to do my poster. I did my homework anyway. I also got to play outside. My favorite part of of those three was playing outside. My dad was home and I got to play with him. I chose to be the Teacher's Assistant. I liked being Teacher's Assistant because I got to pick sticks and call on hands.

My week as Student of the Week by Saurav

My week as Student of the week was great! If Ms. Mueller went out, I was in charge of my class.

My week as Student of the Week by Nathan

My week as student of the week was awesome because I got to pick my own job. I picked teacher assistant, and I got to pick sticks. I didn't have to do homework. The best part about it was at library. I got to pick my helper. Thank you so much for picking me to be your student of the week.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Geometry, NWEA & Transportation

Students are enjoying the geometry unit in math. We made paper 3D shapes on Monday and Tuesday. On Friday we created 3D models of cubes, prisms and pyramids. It was a lot of fun. You can do this at home with playdough (ours was homemade) and toothpicks. Ask your students how many sides (invisible), edges (toothpicks) and vertices (playdough).

As a class we did extremely well on our NWEA tests.  I am proud of their effort and how parents handled the extra homework. Thank you for your support. 

Students enjoyed the Social Studies Unit on Transportation / moving ideas and people throughout history. They created cars this week. They also learned about Henry Ford (assembly line), The Wright Brothers (Flight), Robert Fulton (steam engine improvements) and the locomotive.