Saturday, November 29, 2014

Force & Motion, Reading Buddies, Harvest Feast

Force & Motion
We continued our science unit on force and motion by experimenting with "twirlie birds," ramps, cups, and spinners. And yes, we work right up until 3:10 in science; that's why they are sometimes dressed in their outdoor gear. (I have a hard time stopping them. They love it!)

Reading Buddies
We read with our 5th grade reading buddies on Tuesday. We have a great time reading and working with them.

Harvest Feast
We spend the last part of Tuesday sharing treats and watching a movie. Thank you to those who sent in snacks and for those who helped in class. It was a nice way to prepare for the break.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hands-on Math and Science

Science ~ Gravity
We are working through our Gravity and Force unit. We worked with balancing using paper "crayfish" and clothes pins. The students had a lot of fun problem solving and working together.

Math ~ Graphing
We had opportunities this week to work with life-sized models of pictographs and bar graphs. We also asked and answered questions using data created by our partners. Students will continue to work with graphs over the Thanksgiving holiday break. (They are completely prepared to do this independently.)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Week as Student of the Week by Tyrese

My week as Student of the Week
My week of studet of the week has been great so far. I got to pick my own job and I picked teacher Assistant. It's fun I get to help the teacher and do teacher stuff. It's fun because I'm with my teacher. She's one of the number 1 fun teacher's. If i was in another 2nd grade class it wouldn't be this fun. I got new friends. This will be the funnest year ever. By the one and only Tyrese

My Week As Student of the Week by RG

My Week as Student of the Week
As student of the week I was very happy. Everyone was very happy. I celebrated. I didn't have to do homework. I got to choose my job. Student of the week was very exciting. I got to fill a poster. I got to do like everything. Student of the week was very nice.

My Week as Student of the Week

My Week as Student of the Week By Carson
I got to do no homework that week. I got to fill out a paper about me. I got the sticks and pick hands. I got to show my paper all about me to the class. I got to pick my job of the week. I picked teacher assistant. My mom and dad took me to Chuck E Cheese for being student of the week and I was happy.  I was happy when I was student of the week. I got to write a blog. One time I got to pick which brain break we got to do and I picked Adventure to Fitness. It had train in it the setting was in the desert in it you had to run ,jump, and duck. It was fun doing that Aventure to Fitness. It was fun being student of the week.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

50s Day and graphing in math

50s Day
We had a lot of fun celebrating our 50th Day of school. Check us out!

We began our graphing unit by creating a "life-sized" graph using our birth month. Later in the week, we used the length of our first and last names to create two additional graphs. We asked and answered questions using this data. Throughout the week we created pictographs and bar graphs on paper and worked through our math LABs to use and understand information in different ways. Students are doing really well with this concept. We will be looking at line graphs and pie charts next week.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pen Pal Letters and Biography Presentations

Pen Pal Letters
Each student has been working hard to compose a penpal letter to a student in Syracuse, New York. We are learning the five parts of a letter as well as including a narrative non-fiction paragraph for their penpals to get to know them better. In addition, we are typing our letters during workshop and technology time.

Biography Presentations
Small groups of students presented their biography research on Friday. We have listened to groups presenting Sally Ride, John Thorpe, Jessie Owens, and Jackie Robinson. It has been a wonderful learning experience for the student presenters and the audience members.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Socktober, Slime & Reading Buddies

We were able to donate over 490 pairs of socks to SOS Community Services of Ypsilanti. The socks will be given to local families this season. Thank you so much for all you did to make this happen! The people at SOS were overwhelmed and super excited to share the socks with families.

Slimy Science
Students had fun this week in science. We made two types of slime and compared the two as we learned about the scientific method.

Reading Buddies
We took some time on Thursday to read with our 5th grade buddies. We will be able to read with them twice a month for about 30 minutes. This is a great way to practice reading as well as getting to know more South Pointe Scholars.