Sunday, October 5, 2014

Science, S'mores, Socktober & Spelling

Science & S'mores
As a way to finish up our Science unit on investigations and connect our Reading Street story about camping, we created s'mores. This fun way to work 'cross the curriculum gave us a chance to experiment, learn, and have fun.

We are collecting new and gently used socks for our community project in Social Studies. Please consider donating to our charity of choice: SOS Community Services of Ypsilanti. We have until October 27th to donate.

Spelling is updated this week. I will try to update it every week so that students can go online to practice their words. Please let me know if is not updated; that is something I tend to forget, but can do it quickly.

After we take the pretest on Friday, your child will learn if they should study list 1 or the challenge list (list 2). Your child is eligible each week for a higher score if they get 100% on the pretest or their list for the week AND get both dictation sentences correct. Typically, the higher score is a 3.5. In very rare cases a 4.0 is given depending on the difficulty of the skill presented in the dictation sentence.  

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