Sunday, June 15, 2014

Legacies, Readers Theater, and 'Until Next Year'

We finished up our legacies during the final week of school. Following are some photos. If I missed publishing photos of any legacies, please leave a comment or email me so that I can search for your child's photo.

Readers Theater
Thanks to Mr. Koo, we have a video version of our Stellaluna play. It can be found using the follwoing link: I have not yet converted the Hooray for Wodney Wat video (it's a large file), but I do have a quick video of the crew below.

I will continue to work on the video...

Until Next Year
I am so proud of our class. Move-Up Day went very well and I can say without hesitation that they are ready for 3rd Grade. I sincerely look forward to watching their success as they grow. Thank you very much for sharing your students with me. Each student received a certificate, a bag of goodies, a class poem and a list of affirmations from their classmates. If they haven't showed you their affirmations, or if the list was lost in the shuffle, please let me know and I will email you a copy. The affirmations (in my opinion) put the icing on our 2nd Grade cake!

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