Sunday, June 15, 2014

Legacies, Readers Theater, and 'Until Next Year'

We finished up our legacies during the final week of school. Following are some photos. If I missed publishing photos of any legacies, please leave a comment or email me so that I can search for your child's photo.

Readers Theater
Thanks to Mr. Koo, we have a video version of our Stellaluna play. It can be found using the follwoing link: I have not yet converted the Hooray for Wodney Wat video (it's a large file), but I do have a quick video of the crew below.

I will continue to work on the video...

Until Next Year
I am so proud of our class. Move-Up Day went very well and I can say without hesitation that they are ready for 3rd Grade. I sincerely look forward to watching their success as they grow. Thank you very much for sharing your students with me. Each student received a certificate, a bag of goodies, a class poem and a list of affirmations from their classmates. If they haven't showed you their affirmations, or if the list was lost in the shuffle, please let me know and I will email you a copy. The affirmations (in my opinion) put the icing on our 2nd Grade cake!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Science Fun, Field day, Math Blast, Readers Theater and a Skating Party?! Oh my!

Science Fun
We were given the opportunity to plant our potatoes in the SPS garden on Tuesday. The students had fun weeding, digging and planting. We will plant peas in there this week.

Field Day
The rain did not spoil our fun on field day. We had a great time inside. Thank you to Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Kussy, and Mrs. Sanders for escorting us around.

Math Blast
I am so proud of all of our students efforts in math this year. To celebrate, we spent an hour jumping around the inflatables. Thank you to Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Chelsea, Mrs. Shah, and Mrs. Posuniak for helping us keep kids safe. Thank you also to the Math Blast Team that includes Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Valentine and more. (Please let me know if I missed anyone :))

Readers Theater
We did an amazing job on our readers theater plays. We presented Hooray for Wodney Wat and Stellaluna on Friday for the other 2nd grade classes. Both plays were video taped and we are working on creating versions that we can share. Until then, here are some photos.

Skating Party
It was nice to see so many happy faces on Friday at Skatin Station II. What a fun way to end a fun week.