Saturday, March 22, 2014

Science and Skype

Our unit on Simple Machines/Balance and Motion has been a lot of fun. We investigated balance and motion using 'twirly birds', ramps and cups, tops, and spinners. Students experimented every day last week with various materials to create simple machines that 'did what they were designed to do.'

We had a neat opportunity to Skype with our penpals on Thursday. Each student had a chance to talk with their penpal for about 90 seconds (as long as their penpal was not absent that day.) Our penpals go to school in Syracuse, New York. In writing on Thursday we wrote friendly letters back to our penpals. I was so proud of how our letters turned out. It was neat to see them revisit letter writing with a renewed purpose. I am making copies of their letters for their writing folders. They have made so much progress in writing this year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had fun Skyping with my penpal, Juliette. I learned a lot about her. I also learned that her fish had died that morning. Isabel

  3. The science lesson was a lot of fun as well as learning.We made a ramp out of cardboard and clothespins. First, we took a cup and rolled it such that it went under the ramp.And then, we taped two cups and rolled them down the ramp to see how far they went. - Kriti

  4. In science we did an experiment we had to see if what pice of paper wold touch the ground first. It was AWSOME and AMAZING and FUN to me.- Maddie
