Sunday, March 30, 2014

Parts of Speech Puzzle

Parts of Speech Puzzle
To practice parts of speech in a new way, we took apart and reconnected six parts of speech posters. Students had puzzle pieces on their desk two mornings last week. During our English Language Arts block, they were asked to find their other pieces, study the part of speech, and present that part of speech to the class. We are getting pretty good at this! Students should be able to use and define: noun, verb, adverb, adjective, interjection, and preposition. We also find these parts of speech in our writing and discuss ways to use language to communicate more effectively.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Science and Skype

Our unit on Simple Machines/Balance and Motion has been a lot of fun. We investigated balance and motion using 'twirly birds', ramps and cups, tops, and spinners. Students experimented every day last week with various materials to create simple machines that 'did what they were designed to do.'

We had a neat opportunity to Skype with our penpals on Thursday. Each student had a chance to talk with their penpal for about 90 seconds (as long as their penpal was not absent that day.) Our penpals go to school in Syracuse, New York. In writing on Thursday we wrote friendly letters back to our penpals. I was so proud of how our letters turned out. It was neat to see them revisit letter writing with a renewed purpose. I am making copies of their letters for their writing folders. They have made so much progress in writing this year.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Opus, Vocabulary, and Simple Machines

On Thursday we had a visitor. Opus, a trained therapy dog, came to read with our class and our 5th grade reading buddies. We learned about what it takes to become a therapy dog and the differences of therapy dogs, guide dogs, and police K-9 dogs. Some of us even got to read with Opus.

To practice vocabulary, we have started a new game. We worked with partners back-to-back to see if they could draw and label the vocabulary word their partner was defining. This week we used it with math vocabulary, but it can be used with any vocabulary word. The kids did well. It was a lot of fun.

Simple Machines
To kick off our science unit on simple machines, we discussed several machines that we use every day. There are a lot of simple machines (inclined plane, wheel and axel, pulley, lever, wedge, and screw) in our playground, gym, and building. We also co-created simple machine 'traps.' Our traps were created to possibly 'catch a leprechaun' this weekend. (This works well for the St. Patrick's Day holiday and our upcoming reading unit on legends.) 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Workshop, Author Visit and Dr. Seuss / DEAR

We had our best week of workshop yet!  We are doing two shorter workshops every day to target individual learning needs and goals. Our first workshop of the day is in math, the second is in reading. Our workshop organization gives me more time to meet with small groups and conference with individuals. It also gives students opportunities to to self manage and take on leadership roles. It has become one of my favorite times of the day. Ask your students if they enjoy it as well.

Author Visit
On Thursday we listened to the Author, Sharon Ottenbreit, talk about and read her book, Only One Toy Allowed. This book gives insight into homeless shelters and ways to help those in need. The topic went well with our social studies unit on government. Now, three of our students are working toward raising money for homeless shelters by drawing flowers and selling them.  (As I learn more about their ideas, I will share more information with you. It sounds like more of our students want to get involved.)

Dr. Seuss / DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)
To celebrate March is Reading Month, we dressed like our favorite Dr. Seuss Characters. We also had several five-minute school-wide 'drop everything and read' events. I snapped a few pictures as they read. It was incredibly silent as the whole school focused on reading. It was neat to be a part of this.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Readers' Theater and Mountain Math

Readers' Theater
To work on fluency in reading, we read a readers' theater script of How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots.  The students were divided into two groups and each student had a role.  With practice, we did a great job of reading fluently and with expression.  It was a lot of fun too.

Mountain Math
Students were introduced to Mountain Math as part of our math workshop this week. This program is based on common core standards. Students work independently through the math questions that reinforce problem-solving strategies.  In addition, the program introduces new concepts and requires higher-order and higher-level thinking. The kids seem to enjoy the challenge.