Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reading Buddies, Skatin Station, Timeline Video & Challenge Homework

Reading Buddies
We spend time reading with our 5th grade buddies for 20 minutes every other week.  It is not a lot of time, but they are already building strong relationships.  When we see 5th grade in the hallway, we are all smiles and I get to hear whispers like, "That's my buddy!"  "She knows me."

Skatin' Station 
It was nice seeing so many friendly faces at the Skating Party on Friday.  It was a fun way to end the week.  I know I missed getting pictures of some 2nd graders...sorry, you were too fast for my camera!

Timeline Video
Our students worked really hard to create a video for our Ypsilanti Timeline.  It is pretty cool.  Check it out.

Challenge Homework
Three of our 2nd graders shared the extra homework they did by researching and creating representations of landforms. We learned about Lake Vostok in Antarctica and Giant's Causeway from Katie.  Cameron taught us about Devil's Tower and Lake Sakakawea in North Dakota and Saahil taught us about what types of animals live on Mount Everest as well as the vegetation and habitants of most desserts.  The students learned about legends and made connections to last year's content about Lewis and Clark's expeditions.  How neat is that?  More students will have opportunities to share their challenge homework on Monday.

I will do my best to offer challenge homework most weeks.  It is meant as an opportunity to extend your learning.  It is not required.  Students can also use this idea in class as part of their May-Dos.

1 comment:

  1. It was so good seeing you and Gabriel's classmates at Skating Station! Reading buddies also sound like a great idea! The kids can definitely use more help and encouragement in reading. :-). I can't wait to see the timeline!

