Sunday, May 24, 2015

Music Concert, Division, State Fair & Little Panthers

What a busy week. Our music concert was a success. The students sounded amazing! All week we've been working on division. 

Friday was very busy: we used skittles as manipulatives to see which numbers can be evening divided by 2 and 3, we visited 4th Grade's State Fair and many of us took part in the Little Panther's basketball game.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Henry Ford Field Trip

The Henry Ford Field Trip
We had a lot of fun at The Henry Ford on Friday. Please ask your students about their favorite part (other than being made into a hot dog). You gotta love 2nd graders!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Plants & measurement

Plants and measurement
In April we worked a lot with plants. I hope you were able to enjoy some of their creations when they brought them home. We began plants staring with: seeds, stems, and roots.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Student of the week

My week as student of the week by Sahana
My week as Student of the Week was AWESOME. I liked it when I got to be teacher assistant.

My week as Student of the Week by Anoopjot
My week as Student of the Week was awesome. I liked picking sticks and choosing brain breaks. I really liked presenting my poster.

My Week as Student of the Week by Nathan
My week as Student of the Week was amazing because I got to do a lot of fun things. My favorite part was being teacher assistant and picking my helper for library.