Saturday, May 31, 2014

DEICER in Science

DEICER in Science
During the last few weeks of school, science will look a little different. We will use the instructional planning guide 'DEICER':
  • D-determine objective
  • E-Essential Question
  • I-Information Gathering
  • C-Claims 
  • E-Evidence
  • R-Reasoning
We have been using the DEICER guide all year; however, the students are most familiar with the CER portion. We will work though this plan diligently these last few weeks of school.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Music Concert and NWEA

Music Concert
The music concert was amazing. Well done 2nd Grade! Thank you for having your child there and ready. I hope you were able to see their artwork as well. Ms. Stout and Mrs. Hunsaker have definitely brought out our best! Check out more music concert pictures (thanks to Mr. Balla) on South Pointe Scholars Facebook page

NWEA Testing
Most of us were able to complete our NWEA testing last week. We have worked extremely hard this year. Please check in with your student to see how they did. Their completed action plan will be sent home this week. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Henry Ford Museum

We had a blast at The Henry Ford Museum! Thank you for packing lunches, paying the fee, being a chaperone and/or asking questions about our day. I was with a small group, therefore, many of the pictures below are of my group. If you have photos you can share, upload them or email them to me. (I would love a whole-group photo if anyone has one :)

Weinermobile, lego house, and wheels & ramps

Assembly of the Model T 're-enactment'

Small Group Fun

Trains (top) and Women Who Rock (coming soon to The Henry Ford)

Rosa Parks' Bus

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Biography of a 2nd Grader

Last week we used cross-curricula practices to research historical figures using biographies in Social Studies, reading biographies in reading, and also writing biographies in writing.

We began our writing by completing a chart on what a biography: has, does, is and is not. Then we brainstormed a list of questions to ask if we were to write a biography. Later, we interviewed a fellow classmate (chosen randomly by the teacher) about their life. This week we will finalize our biography.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Science, Measurement, and Chester

We finished up our plant unit. Students were asked to bring home three of their plants. We are keeping the potato and stem plants in the classroom to observe. Thank you to those families who shared items with us.

We also finished our unit on measurement. Students enjoyed the hands-on learning. I think they will recall the Gallon King for a very long time. Multiplication and 3D shapes/nets are next for mathematics.

Chester came to visit! We missed him. He often stops by just in time to wish us luck on our spelling test.